

Oh Ananas...

I have a tin of crushed ananas (pineapple)...
This tin of crushed ananas is for me to make a carrot and ananas cake...

It wants me to eat it.

I can hear it calling to me!

I do! I really do want to eat it!... but I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't!

I'll just have to eat tim tams.

Oh, and I call them ananas because english is the ONLY language that calles them pineapples.



Death of a Kettle

My kettle died this morning... took the whole house with it. I was not impressed.... especially as I've not had the kettle for more than a year.

Seriously not impressed.


Fight with a lawnmower!

That's right, I lost a fight with a lawnmower!

Good thing it had a sense of style ;)


Fudge Season

I've been hunting recipes today, which is something that I do quite often, to be honest. I wanted a better peanut butter fudge recipe, mostly because the sweetened condensed milk recipe that I tried was a big squishy failure... It tasted good, but it just didn't set.

Then I found cinnamon fudge, and all thoughts of peanut butter fudge were banished from my mind.

I know what I'll be doing this weekend!



I'm beginning to think I should have made Cooking with the Lemondragon my main blog... rather than this one.

C'est la vie!



And now, for something completely different ...


Obstacle Course

There are many reasons why I do not, and never will have offspring.

Apart from the fact that they are loud, sticky, smelly and cost more than your average house pet, I also don't believe in baby proofing.

In my humble (and admittedly unpopular) opinion, baby proofing is a waste of time and money. Anyone, when encountering an environment built for beings more than three times their size, will want to get as high as possible! If only to get a lay of the land!

Anything hidden in hard to reach places is obviously of great importance and must be investigated at all costs (for example; super glue, tucked away at the back of the top shelf in the pantry) and children investigate by putting things in their mouths.

There are no amount of plastic locks that can keep a determined toddler out of your wine cabinet/record collection/gun case.

There is no such thing as a child proof cap that will keep a curious five year old from opening it to get at the 'candy' inside, all they do is frustrate grown ups who haven't mastered the push and twist action.

Children are built to learn (and bounce) and they do so at an alarming rate. They can watch their parents struggle for hours to program the TV remote and then pick it up the next day and execute, flawlessly, what took their parents forever to do, in seconds. Either that or hurl the remote into the TV, the fish tank or out a window.

They explore, they open things, they take things apart to see how they work, they insert appropriate shaped objects into appropriate shaped holes (you even buy them toys that teach them how to do that, so how can you blame them for inserting jam sandwiches into VCR players).

Prospective parents just need to come to terms with the fact. Once you start breeding, you'd better be prepared to put all your nice things into storage for at least 20 years.


There are some home improvements that are a define YES!!!

Such as This one! Who wouldn't want a ceiling full of honey?

Though, personally, I'd have thought all the buzzing would have given it away.



Today, I am making a cake.

A Sacher Torte to be exact.

For my (older) Uncle's birthday.

It is full of chocolate, rum and apricots.

I shall post pictures and a recipe later today!


This is the end, my only friend

Or not, as the case may be. However, every end is but a new beginning.

I blame this whole blog on Sidious Dragon

... and so should you